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片名:學生眼中的女老師 <日> 【1982】 藍光25G
The lovely Reiko has taken a new teaching job at a creepy old high school. She is an extremely attractive woman and the young students in her class have fallen for her. One night, after tennis practice, she is brutally assaulted in the locker room shower by a man with a stocking over his face. Left on the floor naked and in shock, she discovers a single puzzle piece left behind by the crazed man. A few days later, a pair of students enact an act of perverted sexual revenge on Reiko for kicking someone off the tennis team. Could one of these students be the man who brutalized her in the locker room? Who owns the strange puzzle piece? As the mystery unfolds, Reiko must come to terms with her own sexual urges and fate.This entry of the Female Teacher series is a challenging watch, Reiko is raped but then she endures further rape, humiliation and even torture in pursuit of the culprit behind the initial shower room rape, it's weird stuff that falls into the realm of violent sexploitation, it forces you to squirm a bit while you digest the dark, erotic delights, if you can give the context of the sex acts.
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